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Cyber Security Good Governance:
A Management Primer on Cyber Security Responsibilities

How are cyber threats evolving?
What do you need to get ahead of them?
How do you build a robust security regime?
What options do you have?

Small businesses were generally ignored by cyber security criminals. Not anymore. We’re suddenly prime targets for the bad guys and we’re all struggling to keep up. This eBook is a primer for conversations between C-suites, boards of directors, and investors. It’s also a “how-to guide” for driving cyber security changes in the face of budget challenges and expertise shortages.

Managing Complexity:
The New Imperative for Cyber Security Readiness

Cyber threats are evolving FAST

Find out how to get ahead of them
Discover the 3 key actions to building and
maintaining a robust security regime

What this eBook communicates is ‘how’, in the face of dizzying complexity, you can put an achievable plan in place to stay secure. Securing a business is no longer something that one person—or one team—can do alone. But it can be done by organizations of all types and sizes. It’s a three-part solution. Before we get into the mechanics of it, let’s take another look at the nature of the threat landscape and how organizations engage with it.

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